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Submissions and Interviews

I LOVE to read. I LOVE to tell friends about great books.  If you have a book you would like me to review please send it to me in a PDF file.

I read contemporary mainstream romances and erotic romances, paranormal romances and mysteries. HOWEVER, I am not a book snob, if it looks interesting I will read it.  I will try my hardest to review your book BUT in some cases if a book is submitted that I can't give at least THREE Cougar Paws to, I will not post it on my site.  I will post the rating on my goodreads though.   My philosophy is to promote only, I will not post a negative review because, quite honestly I know my tastes are not the same as others.   It is not my right to slam an author or give a negative review just because I didn't like something.   That being said, please know I do not give every book I read a 3 or higher just because the author/publisher sends it to me.  There have been some books I have not been able to review, when that happens I email the author and let them know I couldn't review it and why, all in a friendly manner. 
I am a Book Pimp, I also review for Book Pimps' Reviews, a review site with my two partners in crime, Becky C and KurvyK.  They have the same standards that I do,b but we also have varied taste.  If you send me a book that may not be my cup of tea but it is a genre that one of them like I will email you and if you would like me to offer it to them for review on our review site  http://www.bookpimpsreviews.com/ 
If I do post a review for your book I will send you the link when it goes live.  Once the review is live I also post it on amazon, goodreads and facebook.   
I am the only person who will have access to your submitted books. Any information you submit to me is confidential. If I do review your submitted book, I will notify with you with the link to your review.
All content posted on Naughty Cougar Tales is the property of Naughty Cougar Tales. Please feel free to post the review or portions of the review elsewhere. However I do require a link back to Naughty Cougar Tales.
By submitting your book for review, you agree to my terms. The terms are subject to change at any time and without prior notification.
Please submit the following information with your review request, to naughtyd@bookpimpsreviews.com:
Subject line: REVIEW REQUEST
Book Title: (include series name, if any)
Author's web-site:
Release Date:
Earliest Date Review can be Posted:
Attach: ebook in PDF format and book cover

*(denotes required field)

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