SOOOOO...I don't watch a lot of TV, but I do turn it on for background noise and if College Brat is home it's always on. So I occasionally see commercials. This commercial I've seen a number of times but never paid attention to it, until last week, it took me a few minutes to realize what they were talking about and I still wasn't sure, so the next time I heard it come on I payed close attention..and BUSTED out laughing when I realized it was a Summer's Eve commercial talking about the power of the "V" throughout history. College Brat looked at me like I was a dumb ass...when I told her I just caught what it
TROUBLE LEAVING A COMMENT? It has been reported that some followers cannot leave a comment. Here is what we have found out in the past: Are you on internet explorer? people on IE have that problem, some click several times and it finally works or they leave as anonymous, but put their name in the post. We can't figure out why IE users have problems, google chrome or firefox users don't have any trouble